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Ross McLaughlin

Ross has been a member of the Alberta Solar Society since 2011 and has taken courses and attended many seminars to learn the different renewable energy technologies and keep abreast of changes in current technologies.
He has been most focused on photovoltaics, battery storage and automotives.
His background is metal fabrication, construction and building maintenance.


Drive The Future Expo explores and celebrates higher efficiency and alternative fuel vehicles that are available driving on Alberta roads today.

This celebration of technology is a unique experience in Canada and has expanded exponentially since it’s inception four years ago. We wish to offer an interactive experience that it entertaining, thought provoking and fun!

In so doing, Drive The Future Expo’s goal is to promote energy security, economic competitiveness and a cleaner, healthier environment for generations to come.
Drive The Future Expo is put together by a an enthusiastic group of volunteers.
Meet the dedicate committee:
Rob Harlan

Rob Harlan is the Executive Director of the Solar Energy Society of Alberta. He has been interested in clean transportation options for many years. He converted a 1980 VW diesel truck to run on electricity partially powered by a 630W solar array mounted on the lumber rack. His solar business ran a Ford F-250 pickup on biodiesel created from recycled fryer oil. Rob has designed and taught courses in solar technologies at the Grant MacEwan Institute of Environmental Studies and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology in Alberta, as well as two post-secondary institutions in California.

Andrew Bell

Inspired by the movie, 'Who Killed The Electric Car' in 2008 Andrew sold his
17 mpg truck and converted a 48 mpg 2005 Prius into a 77mpg Plug-In Prius in 2010. 
Inspired by the efficiencies of new technology, Andrew has shared his knowledge by giving lectures and media interviews about the merits of electric drive transportation. A passionate advocate for these emmerging technologies, he is enthused on their ecological, health, economic, and sustainablity benefits that are becoming more apparent. He is also a graduate student of the Lakeland College Renewable Energy and Conservation certificate program.

Jesse Tufts is a Mechanical Engineer living and working in Edmonton. A long time curiosity for all things mechanical has led to a lot of questions like "How can we do this better?" along with a few attempts at doing just that. For example, Jesse drives an electric Japanese mini truck that he and a friend converted from gas. At about 1 cent/km cost to operate and the energy efficiency equivalent of 235mpg it's a big step up from your typical 4x4 Alberta truck! This EV conversion and his interests in renewable energy led to participation in this and other shows along with a spot on the board of the Solar Energy Society of Alberta.

Jesse Tufts

"I'm excited that Edmonton is hosting the "Drive the Future Expo". Those who follow energy and transportation matters know the end game is renewable electricity powering personal transportation. EV adoption is growing at over 100% per year, and while the overall numbers are still small, we are within a few short years of this technology outselling old fashioned internal combustion. Expos such as this one help get the word out to people who haven't yet learned of the great benefits that come from running your car on renewable electricity. I encourage anyone who wants to reduce their impact on the environment and strengthen their local economy to attend the Drive the Future Expo."

Paul Scott
- Movie: Who Killed The Electric Car?

- Plug-In-America Co-Founder 

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