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Activies for the whole family.

Test drives, Music, Solar Food.



Owners, Designers and Dealers
12 great workshops & demos



50 of the latest options.

What is possible?    What is available today?

Drive The Future Expo explores and celebrates higher efficiency alternative fuel vehicles that are available driving on Alberta roads today.

This celebration of technology is a unique experience in Canada and has expanded exponentially since it’s inception four years ago. We wish to offer an interactive experience that it entertaining, thought provoking and fun!

© 2014 Webmaster: Andrew Bell  

There will not be a Drive The Future Expo in 2015.  However, the Electric Vehicle Association of Alberta will be hosting an Edmonton event as part of the National Drive Electric Week on Sat, Sept 12, 2015. Details here.
A Calgary event will commence the following weekend.

In The News
Southgate Shopping Mall in Edmonton officially opened their electric car charging station for customers to use, free of charge.  
A media attended ribbon cutting ceremony took place on December 19,2014.

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